“This is the most effective book I have seen that combines hard scientific
evidence with simple, pragmatic strategies to live a more resilient life.
It’s a new pathway to optimum performance. Executives and professionals
looking for improved resiliency, performance and health can find it here.”
–Ken Fenoglio, Vice President, AT&T University

Jenny Evans Biography: Stress Management Expert

Stress Management for Women Interview with Sabrina Braham MA PCC


stress management for women expert Jenny EvansNew Book by Resiliency Expert Jenny Evans Reveals How toWork and Feel Better By Recovering More Efficiently From Stress And Laying the Groundwork for Enhanced Performance

Stress is a fact of life and nearly everyone is looking for ways to manage it. Yet most stress reduction programs don’t work. According to resiliency expert Jenny Evans, the problem is that trying to “reduce” stress is simply a waste of time. Stress is on the rise, both at work and home, and we cannot avoid it. Instead, people need to become “resilient” to stress, learning how to quickly recover from it. In her new book, THE RESILIENCY rEVOLUTION: Your Stress Solution For Life 60 Seconds at a Time

(Wise Ink Creative Publishing; November 2014), Evans not only lays out a step-by-step plan for becoming resilient, but then shows how resiliency leads to enhanced  performance and a healthier life.

“Stress is often seen as a mental or emotional state,” explains Evans, who has taught her methods to business people throughout corporate America. “But the truth is that stress starts as a physical event – and by the time you realize you’re stressed out, your physiology has already been affected in a multitude of ways.” Citing evidence from hundreds of scientific papers as well as work with her own clients, Evans shows that the stress response actually releases a “tsunami of hormones” and once it starts, it can’t be stopped.

This hormonal tidal wave enabled our prehistoric ancestors to survive, fueling their ability to fight or flee – and thus complete the “stress cycle” which then released a series of powerful calming hormones. But in today’s business situations, we are often stuck at our desks or in a meeting, unable to fight or flee. Thus the stress hormones continue to build, negatively affecting our performance and health, and the calming hormones are
not released. 

stress tips for womenIn the THE RESILIENCY rEVOLUTION, Evans shows how to harness the stress
response by playing it out. Sixty seconds are literally all it takes to “hit the reset button
on stress,” she asserts. This can be achieved through simple, 60-second bursts of
activity that mimic the fight-or-flight response, such as a sprint up the stairs, some
shadow boxing, or a few jumping jacks. Or people can use Evans’ “Hit the Deck” cards,
a deck of cards containing exercises and an interval timer to “Play It Out” and build

Other long-term strategies involve creating environments of optimal defaults that are
conducive to healthy eating, exercise, and sleep – all of which play an important part in
being resilient. Evans suggestions include:

Keep a stash of healthy, low-glycemic snacks handy. To keep your blood glucose balanced – which is critical to your ability to handle stress – you need to eat about every three hours. Having strategic, good-for-you choices available means you won’t be scrounging for snacks – ending up with a high-sugar treat that will cause a spike in your blood sugar, leaving you worse off than you were before.

Use smaller plates, glassware and utensils whenever possible, even at work.
You’ll automatically eat less food without realizing it. In a world full of huge portion sizes that can increase stress on the body, a simple strategy like this makes change a no-brainer.

More Stress Management Tips for Women

Set your computer or phone with a reminder to get up and move or do a few quick exercises like jumping jacks several times during the day to flush out your stress hormones and release the calming hormones.

Use an office chair that doesn’t roll. You’ll automatically have to stand up to get things just out of reach.

On the phone = on your feet. Make being on the phone your cue to get out of your chair. Pace around your office while you’re talking.

To get the maximum amount of deep sleep, don’t plan to use the snooze button.  Set your alarm for the absolute, real time you have to get up, and place the clock across the room. The few seconds of movement will get your blood and energy flowing.

This increased resiliency – whether it’s in the boardroom, on a conference call, or
responding to email – also comes with enormous health benefits. “A large body of
evidence suggests that stress-related illnesses – from heart disease to diabetes – result
from leaving the stress response on for long periods of time,” writes Evans.

With employees being asked to do more with less, a competitive job market, and 24/7
work loads, stress will only increase. THE RESILIENCY rEVOLUTION provides
solutions, so that everyone can maintain high levels of performance combined with
happy and healthy lifestyles. As New York Times bestselling author Dan Buettner says,
this book is an “important read for anyone who wants to perform at higher levels, deal
with stress in a positive way, and experience better health in the process.” 

Jenny Evans Biography

Jenny C. Evans is a speaker, author, and on-air expert on resiliency, stress, exercise physiology, nutrition, and health. She is the founder and CEO of PowerHouse Performance, where she works with thousands of C-suite executives, leaders, and employees worldwide to help them improve their performance and productivity, while enhancing their health. Evans’ clients include Estée Lauder Companies, Comcast,AT&T, Nationwide, and Ameriprise Financial. She is also the creator of PowerHouse Hit the Deck cards —the ultimate tool for combating stress and increasing fitness.