A Fail Proof System to Develop Business Relationships for Women

Business Relationships for Women Have you ever felt frustrated or stuck in a job you don’t like? Or maybe you just graduated from college or are back in the workforce after taking care of kids? Or you own your own small business and need to generate new clients and customers to stay in business? Good [...]

How Women Leaders Can Shine in a Crowd – Susan RoAne and Sabrina Braham for Women’s Leadership Success

Look around at any professional or social gathering and you'll see some people in animated conversation while others sit on the sidelines watching the action. Who do you think will be remembered when there's a promotion coming up?  Author Susan RoAne The ability to walk into a room of strangers and strike up a [...]

By |2017-01-26T01:42:59-06:00November 14th, 2012|Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Leadership, Networking, Podcast|Comments Off on How Women Leaders Can Shine in a Crowd – Susan RoAne and Sabrina Braham for Women’s Leadership Success

Creating Personal Presence: Look, Talk, Think and Act Like a Woman Leader – Dianna Booher and Executive Coach Sabrina Braham

Dianna Booher; Creating Personal Presence Watch a seasoned politician speak to her constituents or a corporate executive handle a press briefing on a sensitive subject. They speak with confidence, they project an aura of dependability and they leave their listeners convinced by their message. We live in a world where we are judged not [...]

By |2017-01-26T00:34:11-06:00July 10th, 2012|Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Leadership, Management, Podcast|Comments Off on Creating Personal Presence: Look, Talk, Think and Act Like a Woman Leader – Dianna Booher and Executive Coach Sabrina Braham

New Strategies For Business Women Leaders To Improve Life And Advance Careers Susan Bulkeley Butler

Do you have big dreams? Would you like to turn them into actions that improve your life and advance your career? Would you like simple and easy instructions to make this happen? Listen to  Susan Bulkeley Butler  the first woman partner at Accenture, a Fortune 100 company, and named by Upside magazine as one of [...]

By |2017-01-25T22:38:23-06:00January 7th, 2012|Career Development, Communications, Guest Appearances, How to Get Promoted, Leadership, Networking, Podcast, Time Mastery|Comments Off on New Strategies For Business Women Leaders To Improve Life And Advance Careers Susan Bulkeley Butler

Donna Lucas Interview: Networking to Increase Your Influence as a Woman Leader

Join Sabrina Braham as she interviews Donna Lucas on how women can use their networking influence to be a stronger women leaders in their careers, business and even in politics. Donna Lucas is one of the most influential and respected public affairs strategists in the United States and in California. She's had various roles in [...]

By |2017-01-25T07:17:25-06:00October 11th, 2010|Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Leadership, Life Balance, Management, Networking, Podcast|Comments Off on Donna Lucas Interview: Networking to Increase Your Influence as a Woman Leader
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