Women’s Leadership Lessons From Starting & Running a Successful Business

Have you ever thought about starting a business, but didn't because you didn't know how to go about it? Do you have doubts about managing or leading people, either in your own business or in the company where you work now? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, or want to learn more [...]

How Women Leaders Build Trust and Influence To Accelerate Their Careers, Sabrina Braham M.A. PCC

How can women leaders build trust and use influence to accelerate their careers? That's one of questions Sabrina hears most often when she works with leaders in a wide variety of businesses. In this podcast she is going to give you the same advice she gives her executive clients.   We're turning the tables today [...]

By |2017-01-27T08:17:37-06:00August 9th, 2012|Ask Sabrina, Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Interviews, Leadership, Life Balance, Management, Networking, Podcast, Time Mastery|Comments Off on How Women Leaders Build Trust and Influence To Accelerate Their Careers, Sabrina Braham M.A. PCC

Creating Personal Presence: Look, Talk, Think and Act Like a Woman Leader – Dianna Booher and Executive Coach Sabrina Braham

Dianna Booher; Creating Personal Presence Watch a seasoned politician speak to her constituents or a corporate executive handle a press briefing on a sensitive subject. They speak with confidence, they project an aura of dependability and they leave their listeners convinced by their message. We live in a world where we are judged not [...]

By |2017-01-26T00:34:11-06:00July 10th, 2012|Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Leadership, Management, Podcast|Comments Off on Creating Personal Presence: Look, Talk, Think and Act Like a Woman Leader – Dianna Booher and Executive Coach Sabrina Braham

A Woman’s Guide to Enhance Your Career by Knowing the Financials

Maybe you've been asked to review a financial statement and had no idea what to look for. Or the CEO has asked you to be one of the key players helping the company reach its financial objectives. In a follow-up brainstorming session, you're asked for ideas about what might be done, but you're not sure [...]

Insider Secrets for Women Leaders on the Politics and Power of Influencing Others – Part 2 with Executive Coach Sabrina Braham MA PCC

In Part 2 of this interview with Paul Quinn, he shares more of his insights into how a woman can lead and influence. Always a mentor to and advocate for women, Paul says his goal when he retires is to leave behind a group of people whose careers are moving forward with his help and [...]

By |2017-01-25T22:18:39-06:00May 9th, 2012|Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Leadership, Management, Networking, Podcast|Comments Off on Insider Secrets for Women Leaders on the Politics and Power of Influencing Others – Part 2 with Executive Coach Sabrina Braham MA PCC

Insider Secrets for Influential Women Leaders on the Politics and Power of Influencing Others – Part 1 with Sabrina Braham MA PCC

In previous shows, we've talked about the power of influencing others—at your level and above—to advance your career. When you can effectively influence those around you, you get your projects done, gain help from co-workers, expand your network, tune-in to corporate politics and increase your visibility. Influential women leaders are the women who earn promotions, [...]

By |2021-11-04T16:55:21-06:00April 20th, 2012|Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Leadership, Management, Networking, Podcast|Comments Off on Insider Secrets for Influential Women Leaders on the Politics and Power of Influencing Others – Part 1 with Sabrina Braham MA PCC

Dare to be Happy, Women Leadership Insights for a Successful Career and Fulfilling Life. Part II

In part II of this audio interview Sabrina Braham MA PCC and Cathy Greenberg Ph.D, an anthropologist, psychologist and an expert on positive psychology as she shares the importance of knowing what your innate gifts and strengths are, and how you can improve your life and the lives of the people around you. Women's Leadership [...]

By |2017-01-25T22:38:27-06:00December 6th, 2011|Career Development, Communications, How to Get Promoted, Life Balance, Parenting, Podcast, Time Mastery|Comments Off on Dare to be Happy, Women Leadership Insights for a Successful Career and Fulfilling Life. Part II
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